Caesar made a walking path in our field.

Sometimes the Caesar’s Path is completely covered with snow. And then only Caesar knows where the path is.

Where is the path?

Here it is! You can follow Caesar’s footprints without fear of falling through the snow.

The dog’s nose senses the path invisible to the eye.
Вдруг позёмка замела
Ослепительный февраль.
А Цезарь чует, где тропа,
Хоть она и не видна.
Drifting snow all of sudden
Dazzling February covered.
But Caesar senses where’s the path,
Which is invisible to us.
VIDEO Caesar leads through the drifting snow along the invisible path.

Training chair
А посередине поля
Можно посидеть на стуле.
In the middle of the field
On a chair you can sit.

The snow melts, settles, Caesar’s path has become convex.

In the lowlands, the Caesar’s Path begins to flood.

Soon it will be possible to bath on it.

The snow in the field has melted almost everywhere except Caesar’s path.

The snow Caesar’s path disappears last.
Caesar’s Bath on Caesar’s Path
VIDEO Caesar bathes at the site of the Caesar’s path
И купается теперь
Цезарь на своей тропе.
Caesar baths
On Caesar’s path.
VIDEO Caesar goes through thin ice and lays a water path in place of the snow one.

This is now the water Caesar’s path.
Вот теперь какая
Тропинка водяная!
Caesar’s path
Is made of water now!