Найдите нас! Четыре белых гриба.
Find us! Four porcini mushrooms.
158 белых грибов дал нам лес в благодарность за регулярный вынос из него мусора.
158 porcini mushrooms gave us the forest in gratitude for the regular removal of garbage from it.

158 porcini mushrooms gave us the forest in gratitude for the regular removal of garbage from it.

и 7 подосиновиков.
Ходили шесть часов.
158 Porcini mushrooms: 22 large, 36 medium, 96 small
and 7 aspen mushrooms.
We walked for six hours.

This white mushroom curled up like a snake

Три белых гриба, а казалось, что один.
One mushroom? No, as many as three!
Three porcini mushrooms, and it seemed that is only one.
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