VIDEO The forest said goodbye to us with the Aspen Mushrooms Brothers
Всего за сезон 217 подосиновиков. Грибы закончились очень рано, потому что в сентябре выпало только 1,6 см осадков.
In total, 217 aspen mushrooms per season. The mushrooms ended very early because only 1.6 cm of precipitation fell in September.

VIDEO Where is the aspen mushroom hiding?

Aspen mushroom with orange cap on the side

Aspen mushroom in green moss

Juicy aspen mushroom with a long curved stipe, which grew under a log.

The last aspen mushroom in the season was waiting for us in the same place where were the aspen mushroom brothers.
Это осенние подосиновики сезона 2023, а летние можно посмотреть здесь:
These are the autumn aspen mushrooms of the 2023 season, and the summer ones can be viewed here: